Thursday, December 16, 2010

Third Entries

Wide participation. Learning material can be used for long distance learning and are accessible to a wider audience[15]
Improved student writing. It is convenient for students to edit their written work on word processors, which can, in turn, improve the quality of their writing. According to some studies, the students are better at critiquing and editing written work that is exchanged over a computer network with students they know.
Subjects made easier to learn. Many different types of educational software are designed and developed to help children or teenagers to learn specific subjects. Examples include pre-school software, computer simulators, and graphics software.
A structure that is more amenable to measurement and improvement of outcomes. With proper structuring it can become easier to monitor and maintain student work while also quickly gauging modifications to the instruction necessary to enhance student learning.
"Employing the new educational technologists: A call for evidenced change"

Second Entries

Student motivation. Computer-based instruction can give instant feedback to students and explain correct answers. Moreover, a computer is patient and non-judgmental, which can give the student motivation to continue learning. According to James Kulik, who studies the effectiveness of computers used for instruction, students usually learn more in less time when receiving computer-based instruction and they like classes more and develop more positive attitudes toward computers in computer-based classes. The American educator, Cassandra B. Whyte, researched and reported about the importance of locus of control and successful academic performance and by the late 1980s, she wrote of how important computer usage and information technology would become in the higher education experience of the future.

The Relevance of having knowledge of the different technology related learning theories

Although technology in the classroom does have many benefits, there are clear drawbacks as well. Lack of proper training, limited access to sufficient quantities of a technology, and the extra time required for many implementations of technology are just a few of the reasons that technology is often not used extensively in the classroom.

Similar to learning a new task or trade, special training is vital to ensuring the effective integration of classroom technology. Since technology is not the end goal of education, but rather a means by which it can be accomplished, educators must have a good grasp of the technology being used and its advantages over more traditional methods. If there is a lack in either of these areas, technology will be seen as a hindrance and not a benefit to the goals of teaching.

Another difficulty is introduced when access to a sufficient quantity of a resource is limited. This is often seen when the quantity of computers or digital cameras for classroom use is not enough to meet the needs of an entire classroom. It also occurs in less noticed forms such as limited access for technology exploration because of the high cost of technology and the fear of damages. In other cases, the inconvenience of resource placement is a hindrance, such as having to transport a classroom to a computer lab instead of having in-classroom computer access by means of technology such as laptop carts.

Technology implementation can also be time consuming. There may be an initial setup or training time cost inherent in the use of certain technologies. Even with these tasks accomplished, technology failure may occur during the activity and as a result teachers must have an alternative lesson ready. Another major issue arises because of the evolving nature of technology. New resources have to be designed and distributed whenever the technological platform has been changed. Finding quality materials to support classroom objectives after such changes is often difficult even after they exist in sufficient quantity and teachers must.
Easy-to-access course materials. Instructors can post the course material or important information on a course website, which means students can study at a time and location they prefer and can obtain the study material very quickly[11]
. Technology offers unique instructional capabilities, such as:Linking learners to information and educational resources for better understanding. As mention before the different learning styles and intelligence will helping learners visualize problems and solutions,tracking learner progress and linking learners to learning tools. This is a big plus.Technology gives support for new instructional approaches, such as:Cooperative learning as student working in groups.Shared intelligence as each student is gifted and each can learn from each other.Problem solving and higher level skills is a big action that make the student think big and explore thier full potential.This will also help for authenic assessment both for student and tacher.
1. Technology provides motivation for students by: Gaining learner attention. According to Bruner ,he stated that, The lesson must start with a bang. Keller also proposed that your lesson must have the the learner interest at hand.Engaging the learner through production work is one way that student can do their work or assignment with all pleasure. The last is Increasing perceptions of control is one of the most effective way student in the classroom can get information to guide or discover knowledge. Technology help and make distance education affordable and easy. With technology our world is a better place than a decade ago.

Three Entries on The importance of technology integration in the teaching/learning process

1. Technology provides motivation for students by: Gaining learner attention. According to Bruner ,he stated that, The lesson must start with a bang. Keller also proposed that your lesson must have the the learner interest at hand.Engaging the learner through production work is one way that student can do their work or assignment with all pleasure. The last is Increasing perceptions of control is one of the most effective way student in the classroom can get information to guide or discover knowledge. Technology help and make distance education affordable and easy. With technology our world is abetter place than a decade ago.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Integration in the Classroom

By learning about the meaning of Integration and actually applying my skill I am comfortable to use the computer. Even to enroll in other course that will help me in the education sector. As I was on Observation one of the main thing was absent, was the use of Integrating technology in the classroom. Even thought some school have computer lab I don’t believe that all student is getting enough time with the computer. As a result I will definitely be the agent of change